2022 Conference Keynote Speakers

Ron L. Deal, LMFT
Ron L. Deal is President of Smart Stepfamilies™ and Director of FamilyLife Blended®, a division of FamilyLife®. He is a family ministry consultant and conducts marriage and family seminars around the country; he specializes in marriage education and stepfamily enrichment. He is a leading national expert and the most widely read author on blended families in the country. Ron is author of the bestselling book The Smart Stepfamily: Seven Steps to a Healthy Family (and DVD series), his newest book is The Smart Stepfamily Guide to Financial Planning.

Rhonda Spencer-Hwang, DrPH, MPH, CWP
Rhonda Spencer-Hwang, DrPH, MPH, CWP is an Associate Professor and Epidemiologist in the Center for Innovation and Strategy within the School of Public Health at Loma Linda University (LLU). Dr. Spencer has been conducting groundbreaking research over the past eight years studying Adventist centenarians and is one of the first to identify a community of resilient members despite their tremendous burden of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)—a Resiliency Capital region. She has her debut book, Raising Resilient Kids, published in 2021 with Tyndale Publishing House.

Elizabeth Viera Talbot, Ph.D.
Elizabeth Viera Talbot, Ph.D., is the Speaker/Director for the Jesus 101 Biblical Institute, a media ministry of the North American Division of SDA, designed to offer in-depth Christ centered biblical studies resources. Elizabeth is regularly featured on Hope Channel and Esperanza TV, LLBN, ROKU (Jesus 101 channel), and on several international TV channels and other social media venues, as well as radio stations throughout the world. Elizabeth wrote the 2020 NAD devotional book entitled, Jesus Wins!.
Watch the Seminars from each Breakout Session

2022 Family Ministries Resource Book

Rebuilding the Family Altar Resource